
What is the Wellspring?

As the Orthodox Jewish community’s only health magazine, The Wellspring provides the community with research-based, informative, and engaging articles on health and wellness.

The Wellspring, a monthly health publication sold throughout the US and Canada, was created to educate and inform the Jewish community on topics related to health and wellness, as well as to provide insight and suggestions to promote a healthy lifestyle.

The Wellspring’s staff is comprised of seasoned nutritionists, personal trainers, and talented writers, who collaborated to set a new standard in the health and wellness media arena.

Why Advertise in the Wellspring?

Although the general world may be flooded with various health magazines and periodicals, The Wellspring readership is largely composed of Orthodox Jewish readers who see this magazine as their sole window into the world of health. Most readers of The Wellspring attempt to distance themselves from contemporary culture, choosing instead to gain their health-related knowledge from this resourceful publication. Having established trust in the heavily researched and high-quality data they’ve come to expect in The Wellspring pages, they see this magazine as their #1 source for the latest information on nutrition, health, and medicine. Thus, while advertisers may spend millions on ad campaigns in the wider world, almost none of The Wellspring readers will see it. An ad in The Wellspring has an impact on a niche audience: precisely the consumers that are otherwise hard to reach. Since readers have come to trust The Wellspring as “the experts on health,” an ad in its pages is subconsciously associated as an endorsement of the advertised brand.

Who will you reach?

The Wellspring reaches a very desirable but otherwise hard-to-reach target market. The Wellspring readers are family-centered, health-minded, and highly motivated consumers, who place a strong emphasis on their family’s quality of life.

The age range of The Wellspring’s readership is broad: it provides materials of interest to the entire family. The highly popular Seasoned recipe section is of interest to homemakers, especially health-minded women, and the remainder of the pages attract women and men in every age bracket. A large portion of The Wellspring articles provides guidance and suggestions on running a health-minded home, which is especially of interest to young mothers and fathers. The Wellspring also seeks to provide the elderly population and its caregivers with the latest information on health and supplementation related to the aging process. Because many of The Wellspring readers are health-minded, they invest heavily in their families’ current and future needs. Many of them are ready to try both conventional and unconventional methods to ensure that their loved ones lead a most healthy, quality life.

The Wellspring’s core readership in the United States is primarily concentrated in major metropolitan areas of the Northeast and West Coast.

Where is The Wellspring Distributed?

The Wellspring is currently available to readers in the U.S., Canada and Europe. It is sold in supermarkets, health food stores, and pharmacies throughout the U.S. and Canada, as well as through postal subscription.

Ad Sizes

Full Page

8.375” x 10.875”

2/3 Page

5” x 10.3”

1/2 Horizontal

7.75" x 5”

1/2 Vertical

3.75” x 10.3”

1/3 Vertical

2.5” x 10.3”

1/3 Horizontal

7.75” x 3.25”

1/4 Page

3.75” x 5”


7.75” x 2”